Monday, 10 September 2018

Punishing Me! *****

Why did you!
Make me walk, away?
So cold, darling, so cold!
Not a word, a caress from, you
Placidly, walking into the night,
Making me!
Trembling, my whole, being...
In the darkness, of my nights
Awaiting your touch, a word uttered...
Punishing me!!
A choice I had not, I was breaking up
Fragmenting, inside of me!
Hot and cold blowing
My, love you wanted not,
Out in the cold, leaving me,
When I so wanted, you to want me, too
In my, heart, am crying, silly fool, am I!...
Pride, I had not, looking into your, eyes
Drowning into a sea, of hopelessness...
What happened, my lovely...
What went wrong?
You were, the balm, quieting my soul!
Feelings, you've brought from within, me
I knew, not existed...
I liked feeling thus, bringing me, alive
From the existence, I was living...
Dead feelings, exhuming,
Into exultation...
That only in my, dreams existed
Now into yourself, you've gone
Leaving me to grapple, with
At the edges of hell, living...
Why did you, darling!
Why did you,
Make me walk away, from you
I wanted not too!!...
You were, killing me!
Dragging my soul, into hopelessness
Caring not! missing you!!
I can see you not, in my mind,s eyes
I cannot feel you!
Struggling to go on, without you...
You've killed the magic, the feeling
My mind's full of you...
Fragmenting, within me
I ask myself, why?
Why, do you affect, me so
I guess, roots just roots, taking hold, of me
Impossible, uprooting...
Within me, am fragmenting!

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