Wednesday, 12 September 2018

The Lighthouse *****

The Lighthouse

The lighthouse, standing
On the edges, of the shore...
Warning, seafaring vessels, of dangerous rocks
Waiting, to rip their world, apart,
daring to come to close!!...
A very lonely place, a lighthouse will be!
Especially, for the lonely man, that stays
Holed up, night, after night
In that forsaken place!
Howling wind's all around, like a banshee
Ominous clouds, dark foreboding
Exuding fear into his soul.
Swelling seas, pounding infernally
Turbulently, smashing, against its walls
Without refrain!
Angry, seas furiously reaching, climbing high
And higher, pounding that lonesome, lighthouse
Seagulls, dancing in the winds,
those thermals riding...
Screeching, like infernal, tormented souls!
Then the skies, opening their floodgates
Like tears, from a constricted, heart unable
to take any more...
Broken hearted young man, dreaming of a time
Before the lighthouse...
When life was sweet, he had a dream.
A dream of love,
A dream of hope, being in love!
His dreams came, crashing all around, him
Like thunder, on his lighthouse...
Thumping those walls,
Crying out, in exasperation,
In anguish...
Hugging himself in sorrow
He wept, his heartbreaking
Curled thus, like a foetus
His dream so very, short
Immense sorrow...
As, if there was not, a tomorrow
Of, uttering, those, words again, I love you!!
Words, phrases the look, of love... 
The tenderness, of that kiss,
would be no more...
But that young man walked, tall
Walked proudly, looking those in the eye
Wiser, and a beautiful soul...
LOve may come again!
Who knows!!

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