Minimise, The Pain
What, can one do,
When one's, hurting!
How can, one minimise, the pain
How can one be crawling,
Through the mire,
Without, ever complaining
How can one arise, in the morning
With a smile, in one's eyes
And a skip in one's step...
How can I, stop these tears
Transcending, from my eyes
How can, one minimise the pain...
How can, one stop one's heart,
From, breaking
I never knew it could, be done
How can I, learn to do without him...
Something I've never done...
A brainstorm, a stormy night
I've lost him,
Without complaining
Inevitably, even, before then...
How, can one fall foul
My heart's, aching
Knowing not, what one's done
How can, one minimise the pain!!
As I wake up in the morning
First and foremost, on my mind
As my tears start, dancing
Behind my eyes
In torrents, waterfalls,
Impossible to stop
Once the floodgates open's
There's nought to be done
How can, one minimise the pain!
So many tears, how can one, contain,
Control, cannot the uncontrollable
Exuding from one's heart,
Mustn't let it, bother me, this way
But, I mustn't complain...
Knowing not what, one's done
Fragmenting, into tinny pieces
My heart...
Whilst my throat's, constricting
Yet again!!
By Connie James
From my world transcending flooding my heart...Drowning, in a river, of my tears
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