LOve's Lost
On the dunes, of all times
Once I heard, in a lullaby
I heard Mama, sing
Beneath a blue, blue sky
She sang, of love's lost
There were, tears streaming
from in eyes
Hugging herself thus,
Her, arms crossed in a hug
Shaking in sorrow, her shoulders
Lost in her thoughts, of tomorrow...
He said he'd meet, her there
As the moon rose in, the east
But the moon's at her, highest
There's no sign of him
Sitting, waiting beneath, a half-lit sky
Upon, the dunes of all times
The moon in her full, bloom...
But he was, nowhere to be seen
Pacing up and down
Her patience wearing thin
She looked so desolate...
Hope in her heart, with every shadow
Praying obsessively
She hoped, that the next would be him
Fixing her vision, on the horizon far
Everything that moved
Lost, so lost in her mind
The illusions, of yesterdays dreams
As they danced, beneath the glistening moon
She could have swooned, at the sight of him
His laughing eyes
How she adored his laughing eyes
Deeply immersing, in her thoughts
You could see her smile
Crossing her visage, that secret smile
Exuding from within, lightness
Lost in the dunes of all, times
Seeing, in the vision of her mind, that kiss
Recollecting, the primitiveness, of it
Singing her lullaby, in her enchantment
Yearning, for her lost love
Pure her voice, agonisingly,
Reaching a crescendo
Like a nightingale, singing her song
of the night...
In the regions of my mind
Still, I can see her
TEars spilling, sighing
The saddest look in her eyes
Breaking her heart...
That on the dunes of all times
Hope's lost, love's lost!!
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