Tuesday, 28 August 2018

A Link Missing !! *****

A Link Missing

Like that she-wolf, here lies I
Thinking of you...
I can hear, the beating of my heart
Boom, boom!
My thoughts, never far from, you
Missing you!
And, like that she-wolf,
crying her misery
Running, through my mind,
pictures of you...
Where did you get too, my lovely
Where did you get too?...
But here lies I, imagining that you
May, be thinking of me too!
My heart beating,
Waves echoing, through me
Whilst my heart beats, overtime!
Boom, boom...
And like that she-wolf,
Linking my heart, my mind,
I feel a link missing,
Impossible to mend,
Through my fingers, slipping
Yet here lies I, wishing!
Wishing!! What's the point of it all!
My heart fragmenting,
That jigsaw with a piece missing
Breaking up, my heart, dying a little,
Singing, a sad tune my mind...
But like, a she-wolf howling, her misery
Her reason for living!
She can not find, that link,
That's gone missing!!

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