With the moon at her fullness
Shedding her light down on me
What chance had I
But to go down my path like a banshee
Demented as I was
There was no hope for me
As I searched you irrevocably
Shhhh! Quiet
I need you my darling shhh...
Can you not hear me whispering over you!
Quiet so quietly so that only you can hear
Can you feel my breath on you
As warm summer's breeze
Fleetingly over you
Can you feel; my kiss softly upon your lips?
Getting a response from you
Opening your eyes as if dreaming
As am kissing you, smiling my Mona Lisa smile
Looking at you, your eyes the colour of my skies
My oceans blue so, blue
Immersing myself deeply drowning
Drinking the essence of you
As I hover over you...
In, dreamland you seem to be
As I kiss you softly
Getting a reaction from you,
That smile upon your visage
That only I know!
I feel your heart somersaulting within you
As I slowly kiss every inch of you
Quiet down my heart am making love to you
Can you feel my love my need for you?
Kissing the hollow on your neck
Cruising down like a map
Following the lines of you
I feel your every sinew
Holding me in a vice-grip, your heart beating so wild
As I count each beat your heart somersaulting too
A chance you have not
As I carry down my path, out of my mind
Jumping out of my chest my heart
Punishing me seriously!
Riding that gossamer cloud, nought anchoring me
Going over every inch of me crying out my mind
Wringing me out deliciously
Isn't the punishment's enough, as I grasp at nothing less
My senses begging crying out basta enough!
Arching closer to you.
Shhhhhhhh! says you
Into, infinity I go as I attached closer to you
With the moon at full light
A chance I have not as I cried banshee like
In the extremities of my mind
The delirium dispersing euphorically
Falling into the abyss crashing down
Anchoring myself into nothingness
In the regions of me the very core of me my mind
The moon in her fullness has a lot to answer for.
Playing havoc with my mind, my senses...
By Connie James...
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