Saturday, 13 August 2016

Love Lost...

Love Lost!

On the dunes of all times
Once I heard in a lullaby
I heard mama sing
Underneath the blue; blue sky
She sang of love lost
There were tears streaming from her eyes
Hugging herself thus,
Her arms crossed in a hug,
Her shoulders shaking in sorrow...
Lost in her thoughts, of a tomorrow.
He'd said he meet her there
When the moon rose on the east
But the moon's at its highest
But there's no sign of him...
Sitting & waiting  beneath a half-lit sky
Shining the moon, upon the dunes of all times
But there was no sight of him
Passing up and down
Her patience wearing thin
So desolate did she look,
With every shadow coming she did look
Preying obsessively she hopped
That the next would be he
Fixating her vision on the horizon far
On everything that moved
Lost so lost in her mind
The illusion of yesterday when they
Danced, beneath the shining moon
She could have, swoon at the sight of him
He's laughing eyes
How she loved his laughing eyes
Immersing herself deeply in her thoughts
Thinking of him, you could see her smile
That secret smile crossing her visage
Lost on the dunes of all times
That kiss in the visions of her mind
Remembering the wildness of it.
Singing her lullaby in her enchantment
Longing yearning for her lost love.
Her voice agonisingly, so pure so sweet
Like a nightingale singing, sadly
In the extremities of my mind; I can still hear
My own tears spilling out
That sad look in her eyes
Breaking her heart
That on the dunes of all times
For all times, hope lost,
Love lost.

                       By Connie James


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