Tuesday, 23 July 2019


I've sinned against thee
In wanting, he!
Help I cannot...
Ingrained he'll be in the regions of my mind
In the very core of me!
With each touch
Echoing through me, the times,
I've surrendered...
Why must he be any different
Why must, he?
In his stance the way he moves
The way he's looking at me! 
Incandescent his words whispered on to me
Setting my blood on fire
The very extremities of me...
Embers burning my blood, my minds
So full of, he!
Focus cannot it's an impossibility
Just the thought of, he
It's enough to drive me barmy...
With the need for, he
In a quandary, leaving me...
When he looks at me with his hands
I see I feel, violins I touch, he...
His touch whispering over me 
With his hands, he looks at me assiduously
Whispering over me that touch,
Sending shivers through me
Stand, I cannot it's too much
I can feel his need, gazing into his eyes
My hands running through his hair
My mind running away with me
Scaling high on the Richter scale,
my mind!
Making love this morn,
a gossamer came over me
As he whispers, shall we!
Prompting I needed not,
My needs are as high, as his
I loved every inch of, he!
Funny as he touches,
in a continuous wave 
Convulsing my body,
Shock waves running through me
As if time, was running out for me!
Holding me close closer
His hands fluttering over me,
like a butterfly
Riding on an ocean wave,
swaying we would be;
Why must He!
Have this effect on me!
How I love, He... 
To envisage I want not,
Nor arrest this feeling within me
The after effect's still lingering within me 
Into Infinitum carrying me
Grasping at nothingness to anchor me
My body surrendering,
My mind erupting, the sweetest of surrenders
O'Lord once again my, mind
Becoming me...

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