Yah! Wrinkled,
But he still has his hair !
There's sadness in his eyes must be a hundred plus...
Must have had many a dream, in his life
Must have seen wondrous beautiful things before his very eyes ...
Must also, have seen awful dreadful times in the passage of his life...
He must have loved & being loved in return
With a passion possible, he thought not
His eyes must have cried many a time
Fighting for his little corner of his world,
With a tenacity steadfast in his mind
He also must have laughed sang and danced at every chance,
The love light dancing in his eyes...
For when one's young and foolish one cares not at any time
Whether one should laugh sing and dance, one just does
When music's playing in our minds our heart's lifting our spirits high
The wondrous sight's he must have seen,
Travelling, through life's many a dream, he must have had...
The lines upon his visage like a map,
Deeply rutted with the passage of time
Like chariots running over time leaving indentations
In the streets passing through the recesses of his mind
Giving up not but foraging through life as one does...
Each line tells a story, of pain or glory in his mind's mind.
Hopefully, a life well lived at most times...
It hurts to gaze upon such a visage
Bringing tears to my eyes
Cause I see terrible sadness in his mind his eyes
At times within me, I feel such sadness as he
As I see the emptiness the look in his eyes
Knowing not, how one looks when there's sadness in our eyes
Combative my mind becomes fighting for all am worth
Bet, he felt such as me fighting all and sundry in his minds mind
Wonder if has his kin to relieve his troubled mind
Taking away the sadness from his eyes
Deeply ingrained in the recesses, of his mind...
Maybe, a lost soul wondering where his folks gone
Leaving him all alone as he wanders the streets of his mind
Empty just like his heart his soul!
As he wanders from street to street highways and byways
Hope extinguishing from his mind he's heart
Catch with his folk he can not, matters not how hard he try's
The roads starring at him are as empty as his heart
And his mind cries, in the extremities of his mind he cries!
Bittersweet tears flowing from the regions of his mind
Constricting the very breath from he
As he looks upon his skies & asks why
Why am all alone without a hope in the world
Of finding those he loved,
Whilst I slept abandoning me!
Or was he such a scoundrel
To be left all alone in his word
Asking Why?
By Connie James
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