Must waste not this manna from heaven
Drawing water such as this will be fun not
With buckets or what not
From cavernous holes in the ground, that's drying up
water's being wasted every which we turn
By those greedy developers all over the world
Water tables are as low as can be
Yet they, draw this manna from the gods irresponsibly
The lack of rain in parts of our world is as desperate as can be
The grounds are cracking up the soils red dust
Their crops falling by the wayside failing to materialise
For the lack of the wet stuff
Our rivers will dry our springs merely a whisper oozing, a tear
It's happening more and more across our world
It won't be just the poor scratching, the ground for a living
If they stop not wasting this manna from the gods
This water this giver of life
And that means you me and everyone's responsibility...
We'll be drawing water like these guy's buckets in hand.
Bedlam it'll be
Our tongues will be hanging out our hair falling out
Dragging our asses in the mire that we've made
Animal like
For every drop of water feral fighting, we'll be
If we think not twice as we sling that cup of water out
Criminal you see
In mind, we must keep at all times thinking
What we'd do if this manna from the gods fails to materialise
For you for me! In deep shit, we'll be.
By Connie James...
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