Wednesday, 11 May 2016


I've read all of it...Absolutely appalling...
The hypocrisy, of those, so called religious heads,
Those so called human beings.
The title of human they deserve not!
The evilness, of a human being
All of the above you must not give up my dear Ru...
The world needs peoples like you to shame those leaders
those heads of a religion that, leave's one suffocating unable to draw breath...
But how can one shame those that shame have not...
A volte-face they are long it affects them not ,
They can do what the hell they want...
What I've read sickens me, sickens me to the very core of my being...
But of course, it matters not after, all it's not them "men"
Although some do! ...
get raped abused treating as spoils of war a trophy,
To rape pillage, the atrocities, forsaken their dignity  will be
Sure leaving them feeling sub-human...
Crawling through a mire of evilness...
But I suppose one mus paint not all peoples with the same brush...
Theirs good and bad in all religions all men/ women but of course,
some are worst than others...A force onto themselves
the atrocities, all in the name of religion!
What they do in the name of religion, should shame and terrify the world...
each & everyone one of us!
Those, devil soldiers with evil within, the zeal to annihilate to kill everything and anything
that follows not their creed, their evilness.
Those that questions the rights and wrongs, of a people without a heart!
Do as I say or else...I have felt that threat before.
But as I've a mind of my own, in hot water I've found myself time and again...
Even accused of madness...
But those that accuse me a mind of their own have, not.
Following all and sundry, sheeplike
One can make excuses justifying why they act as they do...
But aren't men all sinners!
Let he without sin cast the first stone...
Intoned a prophet many, many moons ago.......
They crucified him!!
Forcing their will those infidels that maimed kill, without pity
the atrocities all in the name of religion...
Aren't all peoples suppose to care, love one another help one another
Atrocities committed against our brothers and sisters,
Justifiable will never be...
Humans those animals called human beings
Despoiling our world...the worst animals that'll ever be
Any other animal you see not  taking more than they need!
Much to be desired their greediness ...
I've said it before and will say yet again...
Religion's the pits of our world...
They get you by fear robbing you of your sanity...
Those without a brain,
Led inexorably like sheep will be...

                                      By Connie James

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