Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Henry The Storm.

Ohh, Henry!
You've done it again losing your temper
Haven't I told you before
To curb your acts of violence
Sitting here, I can see the destruction in you
Why must you act dastardly
When you can not get, your own way
Going blue in the face, holding your breath.
Ominously I know what's on its way
You'll blow & blow erupting like a volcano
Cyclone on its way, like a whirlpool!
Stop it Henry Stop it;
Just quietly go and play away in the woods
It'll do you good you know!
Just curb your ways!
But Henry listen would not
Holding his breath standing there
His lungs about to burst
Oh, dear lord!
It's starting again, on its way.
With a vengeance, he'll blow & blows!
Stop it Henry stop, it.
Can't you see devastation before you
Uprooted trees
And the rain Henry!
Why must you let it rain too, won't just the wind do?
Must you play with the vehicles on the highway
Flipping them every which way
Scattering for all to see the power of Henry!
You're a bad boy, Henry you're a bad boy.
Enough Henry enough;
We want to see not, roofs flying by
Vehicles floating like toys
And for that matter, cows we want to see not
Flying through the air
If it'll decide to go, that'll teach you if it falls on you!
But Henry listen would not
Red in the face about to burst was he for all to see!
Control he could not this feeling within he
As he opens his bellows & blows & blows
Dastardly he'd blow
His eyes cold like ice, the blueness in its intensity
That whirl, wind like a funnel
Must stop it must calm you, throwing that mantle over you.
Holding you tight was all I could do
Now the sun's peeping through, Henry!
Look about you Henry look about you!
Your temperament will be the ruination of you
Abate you must do.
Pay heed, not those that mock you!
We know you're powerful
Abate, you must that power in you.

                        By Connie James.

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