Sunday, 10 June 2018

Oh, Infamy!! *****

Oh, Infamy!!

This empty canvas staring back at me
Fill I must from my memories
Your eyes!
Deep dark blue pools drowning me
Just a look from you, weak at the knees I'll go
Inhaling the scent of me
I can see pleasure, in your eyes
You'll know that's, me!
Your mouth sending shivers down my spine
Pleasuring, me...
With each kiss an agony;
That warm feeling exuding, through me
Evoking such, memories...
Echoing, through me a passion, sublime
As you touch me, insistently...
Ahh, darling from me you've been, away
Such a long time!
Now I must paint, you from the recesses, of my mind
Will never cease, my memories of you
Each brush stroke, echoing through me
Each memory, exuding from the very depths, of me
Tears are falling from, my skies
Mine eyes weep, oh misery!
The memory, of your hands, softly caressing, me
Whilst your, mouth sending thrills, through me
And I protest incandescently...
Through, the process of delirium, arriving
Yet I guess, upon this empty, canvas I must record
Echoing a time so wild, in my mind...
A time, when we'd laughed, sang and danced.
Your dancing eye's, oh dear Lord!
Your dancing eyes...
Whilst I've inhaled the scent, of you
Intoxication, taking hold, of me 
Into a journey of no return, invokingly
To hell, on the wings of desire
Intoxicating my brain, deliriously
Impeding me from thinking, clearly,
Blind my eyes, would be
On the wings of a phoenix, swaying
Carrying me to close, to the sun
As Icarus before me!
As I disrobe sensations, overwhelming me!
Grappling someplace, to anchor me.
As if a dopamine, entered my blood
The effect you have, on me
You're eyes penetrating, taking hold of me
Oh, ecstasy!!
But a thorn I think I've become;
Meek I never was, nor will I ever be;
I know, my mind and I like, what I see before me!
Oh, infamy!!
Your eyes, tempting,
They'll be the ruination, of me
As I dive deep into your soul, drowning me
For you, this will be
You've always believed, in me.
But why do you make me, bleed!
This canvas before me,
Will, I ever fill irrevocably
If I start at the, strongest of points
My love for thee!!

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