Tuesday, 1 August 2017


Yory, Darling!!
I sense turmoil unhappiness within you.
You've changed you see in the things you do
I can see into your mind
You’re at odds with yourself...
Your mojo!!
Must not lose your mojo whatever you do!!
That's what keeps you going your life through 
Every day of your days
Yet I feel uneasiness within you
Fighting, whatever I know, not!!
The blues, we must keep our blues at bay.
Foraging forward each & every day
But I fear it's much more than the blues
The darkness in your mind, disperse it will away 
I know not what really am talking about I know!!
But share can you not what's troubling you
Is Sandy ok!! Once you could tell me
What was on your mind, worrying you!
I know that help I could not
But sometimes it helps to unburden our minds
Someone, to listen to...
But if you trust me not, keep it to yourself
Divulge I'd never do whatever is entrusted to me
But what can Sandy do if they're after you
A united front for all to see might help...
But you know Yory
Your harem won't stand for any nonsense
When it comes down to you
They love as you are.
Whatever you say display & do
You've killed no one, have you!!
We want our Yory where he should be
With a wave of his batons conducting us 
Full, of fun with lead in his pen challenging us
Our, minds attuned our eyes our hearts in awe of you!
In, you must never give!
That's what keeps your going you mind active alive ticking...
Otherwise what would be the point to go on, breathing?
Just to curl up & die!! No, no Siree!!
Kick butt we must every day of our days
So just our blues keep away;
So, my Sheik, your harem awaits you
With bated breath
& with that twinkle in your eyes 
making us sigh...



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