Sunday, 8 March 2015

That Kiss

Feeling the love in you as I touch you, your face
As I feel your lips on mine kissing you
I look into your eyes I realise the love in, me for you
As we touch,  touches the wonder what's in our hearts
The lamp the bed the sigh's..
I love seeing you lying there as you sleep
I touch your face kiss your lips in your sleep
That smile I know so well lifting the corners of you mouth as you dream
The scent of you brings to mind memories of that time
Where we bathed in the waterfall the scent of pine ingrained on my mind
That's how I see you now as you sleep
The ringing of that tram through the streets its bell insistently
Your eyes shut just a little
The shadows the light descends upon your eyes,
Closed half way just enough to spy as I look at you
Those books  opened those pages full of verses on my desk
I have not finished this poem I wrote just for you
The clock keeping time like the pendulum on a piano
Marking time as it goes to an fro ..
The flower I have in mind of you
The "Bird of Paradise"  the colours of you the yellow the blue
Just like you enchantingly..through and through
In my mind, I write words of love
But there they stay in the corners of my mind
Until the fragrance of a kiss reaches them
When we have a night of love
The anchored boat gently swaying in the breeze
The moon spied us just a crescent, moon peeking at us
It knew what we were about It knew..
The winds gentle ever so gentle lifting the sands gently
The foghorns of a distant ship those lights dancing in the breeze
Bellow decks we were lost the boat old so yellow..
The nemesis of the seas, you sitting there like a king.
Close so close to me I could feel you breathing on my cheek
Hearing your heart beating in tempo to your breathing
Those waves over us soaking us wet so wetly so naked
We were quite alone just me and you
The magic the night the lighthouse
We looked and laughed
That kiss so deep.

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