Let Me Live My Way
Got up this morning, showered washed
Blow dried my hair...
Smelling good looking good, even if I say so
Know what do I do with my time!!
Housework, I abhor
Washing cleaning ironing, what a drag
My minds screaming, let me out!
Let me live my way...
The way I feel the way I want
My brains, gone awol I cannot think!
But if my brain think cannot
What will become of me!
My world I need,
To keep me sane keep me safe
Keeping me from combusting, exploding like
a volcano...
This is the first day, of all my days to come
Every day encircling me, my world and me
Every hour every minute every second!
I fear it's gone...
Much needed stimulation, my mind
Every day of my life, the little things I do
Struggling every moment, trying to be true
Taking the piss not...
Am my own person, right?
I too have want's, wishes desires
My uncontrollable mind,
Control cannot, those desires
Knowing not if to quit or not...
I can see controlling me,
But controlled, I won't be never have been
nor will ever be...
Am me!!
The only one controlling my future, you see
Be it right or not for me...
With my time somewhat, I must do
Knuckle down and get on with my editing
Otherwise, run with me, my mind!!
Not a good thing no, no Siree!
Have a good day my world...
You, you and me!!
You, you and me!!