Friday, 1 August 2014

Tears In Our World

Good morning world
This morning tears are falling from my firmament
its as if He is carrying a heavy load the one that you may, call your God
The sky's gone so grey, the colour that I abhor
It leaves my spirits dragging in the mire of what He most abhors
The indignity of life that in places are so cheap,
No one seems to care, for the neighbour, for the man for that child
that carries the brunt for the horrors of our world, that's gone mad
hungry for power over all, meanwhile destroying our world..
as its going on in the far East, the Palestinians the Israelites, poor poor show
The pics that I've seen, it makes ones hearts sore, to see the suffering
of all those innocents, their tears are like the tears falling from heaven
without a tomorrow their souls dragging down
To satisfy those bastards, when all is said and done,
in the name of religion, for crying out load..who needs a religion anyhow
if this is all they can do, murdering all and sundry,in the name of religion.
It hurts to see the visions that one does.. our world fighting for supremacy,
they should be put in a room together, and knock their heads together
until sense, they can see..meanwhile tears are falling
from every orifice of our world, because those greedy silly buggers
are killing our word, without any refrain, from the ones that can,
save our world from this misery..their tears would fill an ocean.
Perhaps that's why,our oceans are rising, probably its their tears
overflowing the rivers the oceans, and He has given up on us humans
that all they do.. is fight for power, for supremacy.
Why cant they just live and let live, wouldn't they be far easy'er for all and sundry.

Have a good day those that can, but think of those that can't.
                                                         Connie James. 

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