Thursday, 28 August 2014



                                  This Is Your Wedding Day..

This is just to say that I wish you happiness..
That's sure to come your way..and on the biggest day of your lives
As you stand by the alter, with dreams in your hearts
And when the man asks do you..take this women this man

To live together for ever..make sure the answer's what's in your hearts
And when you do say I do, looking into the others smiling eyes
Just visualise in your mind in your heart & soul why your standing here..before this alter.
Before your God..and the people that matters most in your lives..Surrounding you.

How I wish I was one of be there to wish you well..and I do..
Things didn't work the way I hoped..wish I had a little more time
It matter's not for I'll be here thinking of you.. on your special day.  
And as you unite your hearts into one..with hope in your eyes

Forget not that life's what we make..its in our hands our minds our eyes
The eyes are the windows to our souls, as long as you realise
That eyes can not speak, but we can speak with our eyes
One look can say in many ways.. what our minds refuse to say..out loud.

And this is the very first day of your lives..a wonderful new beginning, come what may .
Whether the sun shines or not.. just be there for each other
As long the sun shines in your in day out..or not sometimes a little rain
But rains what makes the flowers grow..along with a little'll make your love grow

There may be a time when you, don't understand the other
But as long as you communicate, never bury your heads in the sand
Cause that wont help you wont help one or the other..
There may not be roses everyday.. there may be a thorn or two

Just throw the rose tinted glasses away.. this is reality
As long your realistic that there wont be roses all the way.
And along the way the odd storm amongst the sunshine..
But as long as you, remember that there's love in your heart..the way you love each other,

It matters not if it shines rains or storms, but what's a little storm, when your in love
When there's fire in our blood, in our minds fire in our keep us warm  
Storms can be electrifying, as ones makes up, nothing sweeter than that
But with all the love in our matters not if it rains or shines  

And may the good Lord bless you, with a love that's rare
That you love and understand each no other
At the end of the day, never retire with cross words on your mind in your heart
Just say I love you my darling..with all my love.. my heart ..  
                                            By Connie James.

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