Monday, 28 January 2019

Words Phrases...

Words Phrases, Palavras Parole
Lines drawn across my pages
Writing words between the lines
Easy it's not at all times
Phrases words of love
Easily coming not to me
At empty blank pages starring
Empty spaces of my mind
At all words coming not easy...
On the tip of my tongue refusing to let me
Transfer into paper, an impossibility   
At this moment in time, mind in a fog
Won't let me!! 
In a foggy laden, morning dew
sitting thinking of you, as we were
The scents in the air, amongst the trees
Heavily laden in dew...
As I tiptoeing running to you.
Your love...
This much-needed manna
Descending upon this parched land
Rising up to the skies my face, refreshingly
Without refrain setting upon you... 
Ahh! Your eyes the colour of a stormy night
Turbulent just like you!
The darkest of velvety blues, like an ocean,
Undulating calling me tempting me, your eyes!
Embers burning, mesmerising me...
What a sight to see, caressing me !!
Whispering in the breeze, undulating before me
Cannot help but think of your, warm eyes
Penetrating me...
A touch just a slight touch, loving you
In between the lines struggling coming to me
Desiring, but words come not easily
An impediment within me!...
Casting my words with easy, desirable would be
If on the tip of my tongue, flowing with ease
But it's a right cacophony...
In the extremities of my mind
Whenever I think of thee...
Behind the drapes of my mind a waterfall,
insistently flowing...
In between the recesses losing myself, my reasoning
Trapped in between the lines the extremities of my mind
Searching that much-beloved face
That's ingrained on my mind
A face I cannot find not in the recesses of my mind
A face that's left me,
Or me that's left that face behind...
In the crowded streets still searching, I see you
in the eyes of my mind...
He that I adored the very core of me
My very last tear my last drop of blood...
But I know I know in my heart
That unattainable face I've searched,
that I've left behind... 
Lost in the recesses of my mind...
In between the lines writing, memories coming alive
He's the one that gave me life, my dreams
The one that embedded music in my heart...
None stopping my pen, as I go on dreaming
In the forefront of my mind...
Running away with my pen, words coming on easily 
Refrain will not, galloping away with me
Deeply embedded roots in my heart,
He was part of me!           
Losing along the way, never to be seen again
Ingrained in my mind words, always will be
Always does not come easy...
Simple words, the easiest one can extol
I love you!


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