Tuesday, 29 January 2019

You Belong To Me

You Belong To Me!
In mine melancholy
I shall write my phrases
My words my verses, of love
Feeling your loss, in my life
I compare thee to Andromeda
The loveliest of stars, to mine eyes
Beyond my universe, out of reach
Reaching to touch the stars in your eyes
Glistening in mine darkest, of skies!
But you are, as distant as the Sun, the Moon
All aligned the planets before me
Might as well, be Uranus Pluto and Jupiter too
And Neptune in his element
Watching you! 
Confounded I'll be if I'll ever see, you
Amongst those stars!
As I write my saddest phrases, in my heart.
It was written in the stars
You belong to me!! 
But lost to me you'll ever be
If I cannot reach those stars, scintillating
Upon my skies...
Blinking in the distance, like fairy light's
You are my light my love my "God"
Penetrating through me your eyes
What chance have I!
O'my darling my life my love.
Wherever you are...
Embers will always be burning in my heart
Extinguish will never be, from me...
Opening my window, letting the night in
Holding in my hands this flickering candle
Exuding the faintest of light, to just about see
As I write upon my mind in melancholy...
In silhouette in the darkest of mine hours I see you
Searching you in the eyes of my mind
Blind will ever be!
If before the rising of the Sun
Unfurling before mine eyes, like a bud
And then will I see starlight glistening 
Ascending in your eyes
In the distance!!

Freedom !

Freedom's the key to happiness
When one's mind's free
To think to live to write
When all is in, harmony...
Free to feel, take to hold your face
In, mine hands...
To look into your eyes and dream !!
It's a killer!
O'dear lord looking into your eyes
Just like daggers piercing mine, heart
Sweetest of pains exuding through me
When with my hear I feel!!
But my mind won't let me, feel
With mine heart...
You're the air I breathe, the sun keeping me warm
And the rain that feeds the roots,
In, mine heart.
When it storms...
You are the breeze whispering over me
Keeping me cool when am flapping, in the heat
And you are the flames that keep me dancing,
Through my nights...
Kissing my mind my lips
Encapsulating me my thoughts, as I dream
If free one cannot be,
What's the point of this life
Living on the edge of a blade seems not right
If into a chasm must I fall, when dreaming
into the night...
Searching your arms to hold me close
Hold, on for dear life
As I kiss your lips your eyes in the labyrinths,
of my mind...
If in freedom I cannot live
What's the point,
Of this life!!

Monday, 28 January 2019

His Face!

"His face"
Is the only one I see
As I close my eyes
Feeling his breath upon my cheek
As he's nudging, up to me...
His touch sending shivers through me
Oh, dear Lord, it's killing me!!...
His eyes like laser beams,
Darkest of dark, striking through me
As my turbulent, undulating seas
From my slumber waking me,
From hell, with a promise of rollicking... 
His mouth devouring me
In the extremities of my mind,
Into a cavern I find myself falling
Into a labyrinth crawling
In the streets the labyrinths, of all times
Lost within me my mind...
He knows how to play me, like the strings
Of his guitar.
"Oh ecstasy", running his fingers down my spine
As if frets my vertebrae would be...
Making me purr euphorically...
Intoning in my ear his voice
All around vibrations, running through me
And am lost, as he touches me!!
Oh dear lord, I scream as he finally !!   
Losing all sense of reason, undulating under, he
To Nirvana and back taking me!
Easily my tears flowing,
Sustain, cannot this feeling, running through me...
Abandonally I cry as he!!
Touches his lips with mine, knowingly
Snapping my strings ping!
So long he plays me like, his guitar
In, my ear singing...
A marvellous, creature you be...
Missing, he!

Words Phrases...

Words Phrases, Palavras Parole
Lines drawn across my pages
Writing words between the lines
Easy it's not at all times
Phrases words of love
Easily coming not to me
At empty blank pages starring
Empty spaces of my mind
At all words coming not easy...
On the tip of my tongue refusing to let me
Transfer into paper, an impossibility   
At this moment in time, mind in a fog
Won't let me!! 
In a foggy laden, morning dew
sitting thinking of you, as we were
The scents in the air, amongst the trees
Heavily laden in dew...
As I tiptoeing running to you.
Your love...
This much-needed manna
Descending upon this parched land
Rising up to the skies my face, refreshingly
Without refrain setting upon you... 
Ahh! Your eyes the colour of a stormy night
Turbulent just like you!
The darkest of velvety blues, like an ocean,
Undulating calling me tempting me, your eyes!
Embers burning, mesmerising me...
What a sight to see, caressing me !!
Whispering in the breeze, undulating before me
Cannot help but think of your, warm eyes
Penetrating me...
A touch just a slight touch, loving you
In between the lines struggling coming to me
Desiring, but words come not easily
An impediment within me!...
Casting my words with easy, desirable would be
If on the tip of my tongue, flowing with ease
But it's a right cacophony...
In the extremities of my mind
Whenever I think of thee...
Behind the drapes of my mind a waterfall,
insistently flowing...
In between the recesses losing myself, my reasoning
Trapped in between the lines the extremities of my mind
Searching that much-beloved face
That's ingrained on my mind
A face I cannot find not in the recesses of my mind
A face that's left me,
Or me that's left that face behind...
In the crowded streets still searching, I see you
in the eyes of my mind...
He that I adored the very core of me
My very last tear my last drop of blood...
But I know I know in my heart
That unattainable face I've searched,
that I've left behind... 
Lost in the recesses of my mind...
In between the lines writing, memories coming alive
He's the one that gave me life, my dreams
The one that embedded music in my heart...
None stopping my pen, as I go on dreaming
In the forefront of my mind...
Running away with my pen, words coming on easily 
Refrain will not, galloping away with me
Deeply embedded roots in my heart,
He was part of me!           
Losing along the way, never to be seen again
Ingrained in my mind words, always will be
Always does not come easy...
Simple words, the easiest one can extol
I love you!


Reality Sucks

It's not a world of make-believe
Full of giving full, of love
For those without expectations from their day to day living...
It's a selfish world that cares not worries not
For those that in their world have nought.
One can say I love still, even though they agree not
Spewing falsehoods...
But if you love me, you'll have to love the whole of me
Half measures won't do!
Even in my contradictory ways, my thinking 
The same as you I'm not, my mind I do speak
Whether you'll approve or not...
I cuckoo land I live not, the world we live in
Has become cruel so cruel
Nought changes since, times immemorial...
Even though change we cannot
Turn around as we'd like too! 
The power of one, just won't do
We need to gather such a lot, of beings
Caring for those that have nought...
Is it an illusion, to expect, that the peoples
of our world, to live in peace in harmony     
Fearing fear not...
For if our minds we cannot speak
We've lost the plot...
Fearing fear helps not, change our world
Without fear of distrust of retribution.
For the neighbour the brother, the friend!
Our worlds full of fear, those that have not
Peace of mind is a must...
The tribulations living their days in fear, misery 
Knowing not whom to trust...
The words I write not welcome by all its true
But my words come from the heart
As soon as I start simply, cannot let go
Whether its agreeable or not
Quite frankly I've never expected you too
But it would be a sad world if my words were misconstrued
I speak my words, not in malice without thinking
My trouble seems I think too much
My thoughts just flow!
For in my nemesis does not justify, the punishment 
Of the peoples of our world, the have noughts
Indeed I do not !!

Wednesday, 2 January 2019

I Need A Hug!

Good evening my world!
Oh dear lord, I feel better not.
Top of my head like a volcano, waiting to blow
The windows to my soul looking back at me,
in misery...
It seems it has burst a blood vessel,
And my eyes have sprung a leak...
Waterfalls flowing rivulets, down the street
The Rothweiler bark wrecking me, hurting all over
Feeling sorry for myself I guess.
I NEED A HUG!! All over!
Waterfalls, now are really flowing
Cleansing rather it feels,
Looking such a mess...
They'll be no dancing for me tonight
Dancing the old year out, toasting the new one in
Where are you my lovely?
Wherever you'll be I bite not!!
Waterfalls rushing from me
There'll be no fun for me, no dancing
Or maybe I'll weep myself into wellness
And put my still heels on, kicking ass
for all o see...
That a weakling Connie won't be 
Strutting my stuff across the room
Might just work, sick of feeling unwell!!
But my head won't let me, swimming
against the tide...
Each time I cough I fear, my head throbs
Pulling-apart my chest ...
That Rothweiler bark, avoiding now,
Mewling like a kitten...
What a mess to be, not at all like me!! 
Letting the side down, giving in!
No!! Giving in I shall not, I shall see
the New Year in...
With a glass of champers in hand,
Auld Lang Syne singing!!
Even with my croaky throat, I shall sing 
Wishing my nearest and dearest,
A Happy New Year 
I shall put my glad rags and tiara on,
even if dancing I won't be
I shall try and dance the New Year away
Here's me hopping!!

With These Hands

With these hands, I've scratched a living
From morning till night
With these hands, I held my baby tight
As he cried out in the night
Comforting him alright!
With these hands, I held you close held you tight
Over you softly, these hands have whispered
As I kissed you in the darkness of the night
These hands have touched your visage
Touched your mind your heart...
Softly whispering away into the night
These hands have wiped away your tears
As you cried in the darkness of the night
Holding on to me for life so dear...
These have has held you close to my heart
Even though you brushed them aside
But with these hands, I've touched your heart
I've touched your soul your mind with mine hands
I've touched your mind with mine
Right through the night as we held each other tight
In a vice holding me, your whispering's held me tight
Escaping not the imprisonment of your vice
With these hands, I've made you cry out
In the darkness of your night
This sense at my fingertips as I touched
And kissed your lips your eyes
Wishing you a good night sleep tight
And this sense upon your lips as I brushed
Yours with mine
Gazing into your eyes,
With these hands, I held your visage
As I touched your mind with mine...