Saturday, 9 April 2016

Status Quo

Status Quo

I've devoured whole, cities
In the quest for love for living
Maintaining the Status Quo, tryingly!
The night winds whispering like a dream
Whilst the stars scintillating high above
As I, look between you and the stars in the distance
Beyond my universe.
Your hands reaching out for me!
The night winds hollering...
As the night gulls screeching infernally
Trying, like me, to reach,
To scale that mountain high
Just to get to you!
Maintaining still that status quo...
In isolation,  my mind reason can not
Nought! But thinking of you...
Within the darkness of my skies, my nights
Feeling lost in the wantonness of life my mind's
Like a river!
Thinking why am I scaling these mountains highs
In the darkness of my nights my firmament... am I!
Still maintaining the status quo.
But with the moon in its fullness
Shedding the bluest of light, upon my eyes
Abhorrently playing tricks upon my mind.
Leaving me like a banshee crying out why am I!
Scaling this mountain high!
But my mind so full of you needing you
To hold me tight like yesterday
Whispering was our way,
To touch to feel to kiss like yesterday!
Extenuating I can not in a chasm am I, precariously
Precipitously into the labyrinth am falling
Grasping, grasping nothingness

                 Second part

But my dreams in silhouette
Feeling your hands gently touching me
Whilst my tears are flowing like a river
Inconsolable am I, that in the dunes of my mind
Grasping on to you for dear life, holding you tight
Like in a dream, am weeping.
The mornings, dew as dawn's breaking through
My mind messaging my eyes forcibly to open...
But obliterating my mind remember can not
Into the abyss, am falling
Ambiguously am finding myself,
In the doldrums of my mind...
But with the unfurling of the morning sun
A new sun rising's imminently
Standing in awe was I awaiting its exquisiteness
Little stars forming before my very eyes
A viscous molten lava, golden river.
Rooted to the spot, move I can not, mesmerised am I
Embracing that manna before my eyes
Just, as I do mesmerisingly gazing at you
Touching kissing me & I deliriously
Drinking from that fountain that's you...
The spring where I was born!
Immersing myself was I
Into that crystal clear waters, that gives me life
Keeping still to the status quo
Touching you face your eyes
The delirium within the sighs, my mind unfocused was
In Nirvana was I loving you!
In the darkness of my nights to the brightness of my days
Like a gossamer my mind inexorably.
Convoluted my mind thinking of you seeing you...
Oh, mind of mine stay with me, disperse not from me
I need to feel he close to me!
Retrieving from the depths of me, up to my eyes am I!
Yet I fall I fall!
But maintaining still the status quo
Help can not,
Immersing myself into the deepness of his eyes...
Control I can not inexorably these feelings

                                   By Connie James

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