Tuesday, 18 June 2019


Respect nature

We must learn to respect nature
Trees are living breathing
Just like you and me!
They'll be here long after we depart
Wouldn't you agree?
Our oceans are being abused
F..ked up by humanity the life being choked up
cannot breathe our seas 
And the air that we breathe be spoilt by you and me
Our wild life's crying out for mercy
Killing for greed they'll be... 
It's imperative we keep the planet going,
For our families...
Yah yours and mine that'll be 
Cleansing of its impurities 
Removing toxins so that you and can breath
Just go out there and hug a tree
One can feel the vibes vibrating through you...
Oh what's to be a tree, reaching for the skies
And see what we cannot see...
Communicating amongst other trees
Warning of an invasion of us human beings
The destroyers of their world!
And they weep like you and me when their branches
They'll be cutting!
Am sure they laugh at our idiocy
In all our glory seeing us
As we run dance manically from tree to tree
Climbing amongst their branches  swinging, undulating
Catapulting through the air, oh ecstasy!!
Climbing higher into the canopy
Viewing beyond the horizon far, as far as we can see 
And beyond yonder, mesmerised you'll be!
The little creatures before me
Sway and dance on the thermal winds with easy
How I wish I was a bird flying from tree to tree
With such elegance swaying with ease...
Following my eyes those little creatures before me
So attuned my senses, imagining it was me!
A glorious feeling exuding through me
As it lands right beside me inquiring of me
What the hell are you doing sitting on my tree?
As I frown at he laughing, mil perdones am on my way!
Awfully sorry having disturbed thee! 

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