Saturday, 11 June 2016

Falling Star!

In my minds mind, I speak to you
My thoughts are with you, my imaginings
In my minds eye I see you sitting there writing
Your words your verses of poetry, in my imaginings
Thinking of telling you those words that are mine
They may also belong to you although I've never told you
Didn't think you'd care to hear these words I've composed for you
The stars in the city hanging above my firmament
The starlight so bright like scintillating little diamonds in the sky
Until that shooting star dying, falling across my darken skies
And I wished wishing, a wish on that falling shooting star
You can wish on a falling star, making a wish
Can't tell you what I wished for
It wouldn't come true if I told you
Those shadows in the streets intermingling with those passing by
Amongst the shadows, they'll be those that cannot see
The music the sweet, sweet music all around
Brahms dream of love music I love so
At the cafe the laughter emerging from within
Taping their fingers to the sounds easy on the ear
The aroma of coffee from within.
Whistling the train passing through
Letting everyone know as it slowly trundles noisily down
By the waterfalls in the dew, I've waited for you
Wondering should I be telling you, that I adore you.
The scent of the flowers as evening draws in
Intoxicating my senses the scent of jasmine so heady, wow!
I've longed so long to utter these words, I love you
I love you in such a way you'd think possible not
I've touched you with a vengeance as if a tomorrow there wouldn't be
I've travel-d so far opening doors the stare's, staring at me
The distances beyond the highways longing to seeing you
In my heart I know I know you love me as I love you
This passion this uncomprehending passion obsessively
As I write my words spelling I l.o.v.e y.o.u.
Poetry in motion
Your lips I touch with mine whispering I do
My darling I do adore you, the core of my very being
My pride my honour my love will always be there with you
It's been a long, long road but in your eyes, I can see
The poet in you
The words of a poet making me feel like a queen...
The poet in me!

                        By Connie James

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