Thursday, 5 December 2013


Whispering, whispers in my mind,
forever whispering,
Please go away, leave me alone let me be.
So tired, by the senseless whispering,
Wakening, waking me.
ignoring the whisperings, as much as I can
Breathing slowly, ever so slowly.
reducing the rhythm, of my beating heart.
to no avail, the whisperers, taking my sanity.
Shadows, the shadows that I see ...

scared, senseless eyes firmly shut.
How hard I try ... I hear, hear whispers

and seeing shadows.
Glancing quickly, someone's, definitely there.
Passing shadows whispering, whispering by.

Who are you say I
Who do you search for they won't listen to me

whispering faster & faster,
I get more & more like a demented parrot,
knowing not what it's saying me..

Someone sat down beside me,

with this incessantly whispering,
Screaming I cried, go away, leave me alone.
As I sat up, hearing steps, walking away.
Screaming, screaming hysterically because those damned
Whisperers won't leave me, whispers in my mind whispers in my soul 

And whispers that mean nothing at all.
Meaningless whispers from all Eternity.

 By Connie James    

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