Saturday, 29 April 2017

My Little Paradise

My Madeira

Good Morning My Friends
It's a bright and beautiful morning
A lovely breeze whispering amongst the trees
As their leaves dance and sway, in the wind.

But this is when it comes to mind, the land where I was born 
Where my roots run so deep, for the ones that I love.
It makes no difference, the length of time one's been away
But in my heart, I am screaming for my Madeira!
It doesn't mean I don't like where I am, it is a beautiful country
The panorama before one's eyes is awe-inspiring no better place to be... 
This England, that's been my home for so many years
But there's always this pull, a gravity leaving me yearning for, home.

Feeling behind my eyes this gossamer can't see the words before me, need to pack it in;
It's unimaginable the beauty of the land where I was born
There's no place like it, I miss the flowers abounding everywhere,
The majestic mountains erupting peeking right through the clouds like a veil!   
To every corner of the land, to my minds, mind a fantastic array of blooms
A sight for sore eyes, the beautiful agapanthus
As they sway in the wind, the hydrangeas of every colour
You can imagine, but for me, it's the blue and the white
That sets my heart aflame, its the colours of my childhood
Intermingled with many...Like the birds of paradise
In my Paradise land the lands of my Papa, that he tended with love, 
Amongst the vines the sugar canes, the banana plants,
And of those, there were many, the figs, custard fruits the guavas too
& many others, they are too many to name just a small corner of paradise
As he tended lovingly, with the sweat from his brow.
I miss the vision of colour attacking our senses
Like the Bougainvillea, over the rivers, and every wall one sees
The beautiful flowering Jacaranda trees, a lovely hue of purple you'll ever see...
The Oleanders, hibiscus, must not forget the avocado trees 
And all the flowering trees, I don't have the names to
The scent of the Eucalyptus intermingling with the Pine
that scent is so heady, as one breathes deeply
To inhale to fill one's lungs, with that pure, clear air
I also miss being with the family, especially as they get together
And am nowhere to be seen in my heart I hurt,
Unimaginable to comprehend my fault loving, profoundly  
I have a beautiful family, except for one or two
But mostly I love those, that stayed close to me
Like the sisters and brothers, like Luis, I miss you so
You were my playmate, as we were growing up
Remember the kites we made and let them rip through the air
the excitement of it all, as we run everywhere.
Climbing the fruit trees, singing our lungs out of
Oh, Maritimo or Benfica songs, making the trees sway
your and my way, then you fall off the bloody tree
In shock, I thought you died, thank goodness,
just winded to live another day, mama pulling her hair out,
You devils she'd say. Yes, I miss those days when we were so close.
It'll never be the same, I miss you maninho...
In my mind, my heart aching my soul...

Thursday, 27 April 2017

Like a Bee

Like a Bee,

You came into my world stinging me
Loaded with cameras around your neck
Through those portals, you came to be
Gazing around your gaze landed on me
Like a Bee landing in paradise
Going straight for me
That camera in my face intrinsically;
Like a hurricane in came photographing
Every angle of me...
Disappearing  momentarily
Leaving me in a state of, confusion;
Planting that seed in my mind germinating
Spoiling the chances of others entertaining me;
Flummoxed you left me
What the hell was that, said I nervously
Like a bird in paradise was I innocently
Like a fairy fluttering in my glen
Fluctuating from tree to tree
Loving the sights before me, I see
In a world of my own, I'd be
Whilst other Bees trying to sting me
I'd look at them disdainfully
That seed planted in my mind
Germinating ever so slowly;
There would be no chance for any other Bees
Wonder why that would be!
As they followed me trying to kiss me
Before I'd never kissed
He's kisses left me wondering
What the hell was that about
It did nothing for me.
Bug off says I steely just let me be
Wondering why they'd follow me
Go away I say angrily
So through my glen, I'd flutter from tree to tree
Other, fairy's having a hell of a time around me
What was it all about, He that disturbed me!
He was my first curiosity;
As he pointed that camera at me
As if he could see into my soul my mind
Irrevocably he wouldn't would he!
In my thoughts, he'd be ambiguously
Then back again he'd come like a hurricane
Camera in hand searching me!
& it would start all over again, snapping clicking away
I'd stand there embarrassingly
As he'd prop me on the staircase photographing me
Me on my fairyland I'd be
That half smile upon my face
That Mona Lisa smile ambiguously
Wanting to hide from he
Then he'd bugger off again leaving me
What the hell did he think he was doing
Funny I'd thought not
Others thought he'd fallen for me
Here comes bleeding love they'd say
Escape I could not that seed germinating
Irrevocably within me;
Butterflies fluttering within me each time, I did see he
In my face that infernal camera perpetually
Snapping away for all to see, as I try hiding from he
Then off he goes again only to return momentarily
He must be mad, he must be!
But there was that madness expanding within me
Each time I saw him intrinsically
A madness in my blood consuming me
In my curiosity the only bee he'd be stinging me
In my fairyland, I'd be dreaming of he
Until on day he asked to marry me
The rest now is history
But he still has that camera in my face
Saying, you haven't changed a bit, you see
He can not see the decaying of me;
As I look into my mirrored glass
Silently a tear escaping me...
Cause am not me!!

                  By Connie James

Wednesday, 26 April 2017

In Times Of Spring

Spring times forever on my mind
As I look at you in springtime
Within me my mind residing forever in a dream
As I dream of you in times of spring
A new start a new beginning
In times when we were young & foolish
As we run amok between the Tulips
When love was young & free
Worrying not about anything
Spring will be returning always
To you & me!
Love's within our minds our hearts
at the turn of springtime;
When the birds sweetly be singing
Announcing that first day of spring
& the dormant trees
Sprouting through tender shoots
& young leaves will be dancing in the breeze
Whilst you & I were asleep
In the early morning dew
Calling on to you
Before becoming awake in the freshness
Of a springs morning dew
Rubbing the sleep from your eyes
Stretching your limbs reaching high
As if you could touch the sky
Forever in a dream
& I reaching high touching our minds you & I
In the times of springtime
Making love forever in a dream

   By Connie James

Saturday, 22 April 2017


This evocative madness
This madness consuming me
Where will you be my love
Where will you be!!
This madness attacking the very core of me!
Heating my blood embers, within me
Intrinsically burning me!
This fire in my blood's destroying me
I can see in your eyes,
As you take my hand knowingly;
But there's this fire consuming me burning me!
As my unstoppable tears silently flowing
As you kiss me like yesterday.
& I all the way I do suit, as you do me
Consuming me the blood within me
Like all my yesterdays used to be
This fire inherently within me
Now a little slower will you be
Taking your time to make me
Wanting you all over again like yesterday;
This fire within me consuming me
Carrying me to heights unbelievably;
Just like this in your arms, I'd like to be
Why would it be!
This need I have for you where will you be?
When I need you, it's consuming me...
Even my tears won't stop me
Flames climbing higher intrinsically
I've this ache within me it hurts don't you see!
Standing there looking at me as suave as can be
Change you seem not to be, holding your stare
Challenging me!!
That half smile upon your lips your eyes
That smile challenging, me to come to you
& I like a fool!
In the extremities of me
My blood pulsating within me
Reasoning, not my heart, will ever be
As I kiss you hungrily
I become this thing annoyingly to me
Desperation within me
In the recesses of my mind am lost
This feeling can stop not irrevocably
You know damn well what you do;
You know you do!!
& I following blindly, your gaze,
Every which way am following you
From top to toe am with you,
Wanting me as I do you...

        By Connie James

Friday, 21 April 2017

Rising Feelings


Our eyes only see what we want to see!!
They can not speak.
Like that clap of thunder over the hills far away
Am a woman that walks alone experiencing not the world
Might as well be a child in all innocence
But a child does not kiss your shadow
As we dance hand in hand in the street
Hands interlocking as if we'de never let go
Stay just as we are now;
Why! Waste time sleeping you'll be gone in the morning
& I'll be left weeping!! for the here & now
We'll share the sorrow the pain
Immersing in the laughter...
For when you gone I'll be in the grips of melancholy hereafter
As I reach helplessly for that star shining high above
With feelings of emptiness forever in my heart
For when I kiss your eyes your lips
As I kiss your fingertips begging you stay!
For I know you'll be gone far from me; from me!
What will I do when midnight tolls away
When I reach out for you...& you won't be there
I sleep awake sleep awake in the thunder of the night
When my whole being trembles like the trees in the forest
As they sway & dance, dancing in the moonlight
Leaving me all alone!!
As you've done without a thought in the world;
I shouldn't have said I loved you
Beyond that hill the mountain high
What I said to you & you to me
Will stay with me here after!
The moon shining in her fullness trailing you
Has brought you close so close, irrevocably!
To hold you to feel, to feel you so close to me
Rising feelings high;
The hunger in our kisses brought us to an impasse
The poetry that goes beyond you & me
We have a hunger in our eyes our lips
This thing between you & me unbelievable
Hurt feelings as you ignore me
For I am human with feelings too...
I can love-hate just like you!!
But as we clash interlocking our arms
As I touch your face runing my fingers through your hair
Feeling love in my heart...
As I gaze into your eyes, touching your mind with mine
The primitiveness in you as you came in from the storm
Constricting my heart the very breath from me
You are killing me my darling
With your poetic verses of love...

                   By Connie James


Thursday, 20 April 2017

No...Confessere Nient

My confession's
I may write tonight
Bear I cannot my friend to think
Beware, a good move it may be not
For we must always hold something back
After all's  no one's business;
The leaves in the forest swaying in the breeze
Golden colours intermingling with the reds
Whispering whispers;
Fragmenting tiny little pieces your heart;
cannot disguise in your veins your blood
The wildness within you, your eyes
Forgotten can not or will not your lips
Erase the memory of you
Taking little sips from you lips
That fountain that gives me strength, gives me life
Sensually your touch sending shivers down my spine
Whisperings, the laughter, the tears, in mine eyes
Lost for all times sensually migrating
Lost in the archipelago the fires within my mind
May it have been love!!Or not!
One cares not;
But there was fire in my blood
Convoluted my mind fire within us
Nought to do with love just making out
We make love for animals we're not
They make love not, they just mate
It can be as sweet imaginable as can be
That bond between needing to show
When there's fire in one's blood
One reason's not you cannot reason
It's way passed reasoning
When two souls become one
As secret as you are,
Killing me that ache within me
I've only to think of you, the image of you
Now it's the time, returning for me there won't be!
These words are mine, & mine alone
No, no confessere nient!!

               By Connie James...

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Jurassic coast of Dorset

Good day my world!
May the sun shine on you
Lifting that gossamer from your eyes
Your eyes that otherwise may gaze not upon your skies
And  feel that life's there for the taking
Reminding you that life's fo living
But when your skies are blue
Flowing through my mind
The whispering breeze
Between the leaves flowing ever so gently
Softly caressing as it flows between the trees
The gentleness that touch of his
Dancing in the breeze indolently
Feeling the coolness upon your visage
Standing mesmerised whilst my eyes
Making love to the image on my mind
It does know not reason my mind,s eloquently  
Wants not to reason!
Irrational am I when it comes to he
With the blue eyes
I care not I want not to reason
Gently flowing through my mind the breeze
And I!!
Stretching my arms to the skies whilst the leaves
Dancing indolently in the wind
A glowing warmth I can feel gently
Whispering over me upon my face
Looking out to the sea the Purbecks of Dorset
A better place you won't be
As you gaze into infinity
Beyond yonder stretching before you
A land unspoilt by man
A panorama created for you & me
As you tread carefully
Between the crags as you climb
The rabbit holes beneath your feet
Where once I've fallen through
Rambling landslides
Walking beneath the cliff tops
One must never do
But we reason not with reason
The oceans the beaches that go on forever
Hitting the shore the swaying waves rolling in
With hardly a whisper dispersing with a sigh
Like a game playing with you
Before you know it knocking the pins beneath you
There's no better place to be
Then the Jurassic coasts of Dorset

              By Connie James,,,

Corpus Christi.....

Good Morning My Friends
Today's Easter Sunday, hey everyone have a good day
But don't forget to remember, the meaning of this day
That's when Jesus came back to life and ascended to heaven
He was treated awfully bad, they tormented him abused him
Finally, they gave him a crown of thorns, then they crucified him
There's always been badness, in this world you see
Even one of his friends sold him for thirty pieces of silver
They put a cross upon his back, 

Then made him carry it to mount of olives
Where he was to be Crucified, by the say so of Pontious Pilot
As they put him on the cross and nailed his hands down
Then they grabbed his legs and nailed his feet down
As they erected his cross, he was in immense pain
And just before he died, he asks his father to forgive them
For they know not what there're, doing 

They stuck a lance in his chest
Just to make sure he was dead...and tomorrow Easter Sunday
That's when the resurrection will be, as he ascended to heaven
Corpus Christi...Sanguis Christi... Anima Christi...Domini Christi...
               By Connie James



The Light From Within
Diminishing At Times Deserting Me
When My Eyes Can Not See
The Light From Within Me!
Darkness Surrounding One
Needing The Light Where My Soul
Can Soar High Into Infinitum...
That At Times Comes Crashing
Down On Me...
Leaving Me Ambiguously...
Wanting Not To Go On Breathing
But Today I've Got light In My Soul
And A Friend That Relieves My Mind
From The Mire Of My Thoughts
Making Life's Worth Living, Again...
Today Am Smiling My Mind's Mine
Once Again...
Not Belonging To The Gremlins.
Today I Feel Good...

Wednesday, 12 April 2017



Good morning my world
Woke just before five you see
Something on my mind there must be
Hate all that tossing & turning
Too hot too cold & the boy breathing beside  me
How dare he breathe when sleep I can not be
Got up made a cup of tea
It's not at all like me at this ungodly hour to awake, be
Curled up on my sofa with my cup of tea
& my mind my brain's tired from lack of sleep
Infamy!! Not at all like me!
Dawn's just approaching the birds are singing
Such a sweet tune on the topmost of his tree
Nearby, in a chorus, all beginning to sing
So sweet to the ear, a symphony!
A beautiful light seeping through
Silvery grey to you & me
In the air, there's not a whisper of a breeze
Refusing to dance the leaves on the trees
As I cast my gaze out silence stubbornly,
Silence permeates the stillness the peace
But at peace, my minds not, thinking of he;
I wonder if he's okay all & sundry
My minds not too far from he
An abomination you see
Why must that be!
Why can't I be at peace with me
I need another cup of tea;
Then I'll curl up & see if my mind lets me
The morning chorus amplifying
Rising into a crescendo, greeting me they may be!
Even barking the dogs will be
Greeting, the beginning of a new dawn
But from my mind, he's never far from me
Intrinsically he'll always be within me
In the recesses of my mind perpetually, why should it be!
Oh my! I see the moon in her fullness
To the west side of me so bright so shining so beautiful!
Going home I guess
But the moon like me her mind never rests
Always some place she has to be
She's on the West side of me
Still beautiful her face mesmerising me
I guess must be thankful I was able to see
The moon with her lights on
Like a new penny shining brightly
As I draw my curtains to the East side of me
The rising of the sun erupting before me
Am so glad that sleep I could not be
The wonder of this new dawn I'd be missing
The birds singing merrily...
Have a great day my world...

             By Connie James

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Words I Owe You

Words I owe you my freedom my sleepless nights
& you owe me my dreams as I whisper in the night
Beneath the star's fallen I make a wish
Following that star dying across my firmament
Extinguishing right before my eyes, puff
Wishing on that star falling across mt sky's
Just another soul whizzing by into nothingness
The face I see in the mirror I don't think it's me
It can not be me!
It's the face of a stranger staring back at me
those shadows beneath my door
Why there should they be!
O shadows depart from my door won't you
For you've no business there have you;
Walking across the visions
 In the streets of my mind, I've been blind
After mile upon mile just to see you
Smile casting my gaze upon you
The touches between us
The distances that separate you & I
Like a rebirth of dreams in my, minds mind
Soft so softly as I whisper tenderly
Those phrases those verses
That I owe you in their entirety
Words you owe me my vision
My lucidity my poetry...
Mais je ne veux pas le melancolie

      By Connie James

What If


In the retreating shadows
& the look from your eyes
What if what if for once
We break those sighs
A sigh is a sigh & if broken it must be
For there's no one else but us to see
The spring flowering trees
Laden heavily for all to see
The river pebbles the vagrant clouds
& the feet that bleed
The pavements the red petals bear's still
The story between us the wandering scent
 The silent tears falling from your eyes
The silent touches the fevered lips
It blows one's mind the kisses in the night
The desire to possess to hold, to feel
it matters not what if what ifs
Even the strange shadows with the fecund eyes
Whether he's home again or otherwise
It's so so easy to maybe break those sighs
As the night train into distant lands
Passes without you or I!!
             Connie James

Saturday, 8 April 2017

The Rest's History

This is an epic one welcome to read if you so chose too.

In the portals of all times
You appeared on a dawn's morning dew
Waking from your slumber,
Stretching your limbs rubbing your eyes
Gazing about, you with wonder in your eyes
Before you this little paradise;
Those other creatures strolling without a care
Taking notice, not of you...
Contented you seemed in, your little world
Exploring every which way you went
From that mountain high to the valleys below
Across the savannas wild
You were king of your little paradise.
A smile in your eyes opening your arms wide
Taking in, the moment, you were satisfied.
Then one day it became obvious
That there was just one of you
While there were two of the other creatures around you
Morose you grew feeling alone
But why should there be just one of you?
When with other creatures there were more two
Sitting watching for days
Taking note of their behaviour
They seemed happy following each other, playing games!
While you alone had not a mate to be with you
Befriending other creatures running around
You became unsatisfied they weren't your kind as you saw it...
Feeling alone; He became aware of his aloneness...
Becoming aware of his loneliness his maker taking note
But contentment resided within he
One night in his sleep he's a maker from his ribcage took a rib
& moulded Adam a pretty little creature
So he could go about with
So on that first day of days on a morning's fresh dawn
Before the rising of the sun erupted through
On that early morn's dew, as he stretched opened his eyes...
There was a chorus in the air a symphony
The other creatures in his world sang
Halleluiah, in the extreme...
Overflowing happiness within, standing, before him
A new creature gazing at the periphery of his eyes
Uncomprehending, he stood looking at Eve
Where have you sprouted from; asked he, a new species!
She stood there while he took note of her
She's not quite like him the differences about her
To start, she had two bumps on her chest
& down bellow definitely different
Flummoxed was he, he was different...
He stopped could not gazing at her; perturbed-ly
Extending his hand, he took hold of hers
As they went about happily, he had a creature such as he
He was content, life was beautiful happiness exuded within
Then one day his maker got bored wondered how to excite things
So he called Eve & Adam into his presence telling them;
Pointing at Adam, saying you are, man & you are, woman
I moulded you in my two hands, like all those creatures before you
So to put a spanner in the works, he lets them know;
All of this belongs to you!
All you see before you is yours also I've given you a brain, so use it
all you can see before you, you can eat,
All of the fruits you can see on the grounds on, the trees;
How lucky they were in living in such a place as this!
Then he pointed at Adam & Eve
But you mustn't touch that fruit that's she
For she's the most glorious of fruits...Promise!
So he promised not to eat that fruit that was she;
Then one day, Eve is just like me!
Rebelling for all to see ignoring all she's told
Following her own star. curiosity within her;
Why must he eat not a fruit such as me! Though she...
She asked Adam why can't you have me
I too am a fruit you see!
Adam shook his head no, he's forbidden me
To pick fruit from your tree looking at her dejectedly
The days went by Eve had another try tempting him
Then why  must other creatures enjoy each other's trees
Why cannot we shake our own tree!
That's the way it's meant to be said he;
But there was this worm-eating burrowing into Eve's mind
Despite herself, desist she would not, again she must try
For ripe was she this very moment...
Offering herself one more time, strong, enough he was not
For there was, fire in his blood his mind matching hers;
Their world came to an end there & then
For they found moments of love
Euphorically deliriously happy
When their world was in its infancy
In each & every moment;
The rest is history!
Or so they say!!

                By Connie James

Thursday, 6 April 2017

Like an Emperor O

Like an Emperor

In your superiority, you took your stance
Like an Emperor!
Looking hot as a burning, ember
Burning incandescently, within me
What was a girl meant to see!
In your stance giving, not an inch     
You stood gazing at me;
Standing by, your chariot you should have seen;
Deeply rutted, in the indentations of my, mind
I stood gazing, at you as you came by
You looked at me with that, smile
Just a hint of a smile
Indolently, annoying me
In the extremities of my mind, he looked divine 
His hair curled just, a little around his eyes,
The back of his neck...
He, wore that Toga just, to impress me!
Sending shivers down, my spine
His feet slightly apart arms. akimbo
Holding, his stance for all to see
I gave him my scarf, so he'd ride for me
I saw the starlight, in your eyes
As you picked up speed & rode away
Your hair floating, whispering in the breeze
Your arms so strong, holding those reins
I could imagine, every sinew running through, you
Looking back at me!
Sun's in your eyes you couldn't see me!
Playing games, my mind
As I! Imagining you kissing, me
Taking hold of me, for all your worth;
Through the streets of Rome,
Manically, I see that chariot of yours riding, by
Leaving behind those, indentations
Deeply rutted, in the streets of my mind
Running to you, with laughter in my eyes
Hungrily kissing you, been such a long time
Whispering over me, your hands
Surprised, how your touch affected me
In the extremities of my mind,
I could feel every sinew, touching you
Feel your heart beating, against mine
Taking hold of me one more, time
Of reasoning, incapable my mind
No returning for me...
Taking all you had to give, all of you;
Delirium, within me.
Grasping at nothingness, to anchor me
I was lost, lost in the momentum, of time
Escaping from me implicitly, my mind
Calling out your name, time and again
It took every once of me to find the strength,
I gave you my life...
Gave you  my all; If desired
I gave you my mind...
A brain, of my own I do possess
Play you can not, with this brain of mine
Into overdrive, may go at any time
Waking up from my, reverie
My secrets reside in the recesses, of my mind
The very extremities, of me;
 Back to reality...

          By Connie James

Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Temptations too Much..

I've only that flickering, candlelight
To just about see!
There's a certain, warmth in it
As I sit by the opened, window letting the night in
Trying, writing ambiguous, words
That, I know not the meaning of
Like those meaningless words, written on the wall
Mirrored, like reflections
Deeply into my, psyche secret dreams
Dreams, that gives you that warm feeling all over
Dreams that you, want not to wake up ever
As the wind blows through, my window
Bringing me back from my, reverie
My pen touching my lips
The lips that called, out your name
The pitta patter of the rain
Upon my window, pane
Bringing, me back to reality
Of thoughts, flowing through my, mind
What if, what if it was he!
With words playing, in my mind
Dreaming, unconsciously
Of the stars & the moon in her fullness
Right above me!
As I reach & touch, touch uncertainly
Your mind, with mine, possibly
That vision before, my eyes
That I've created, in my poetry
The madness, that sheer madness
The magic between, you & me
As I find my pens, starts uttering
My eloquently, ambiguously
Unintelligent, kind of poetry
Like a rebirth, within me...

              By Connie James

Me Myself & Me

Once there was a time
When there was love laughter in my life
A family, song & dance ever after
Rang through the days of our lives
Now I've memories rather painful
Things are not as they used to be
Music & writing has always been
A safety valve for me!
To be drowned in music
Reliving my mind from the uncertainty
Of those that were with me
& writing getting out of my system
The sorrow within me
Music takes me to a place
Where I used to be content
At one with me!
Me myself & me

                Connie James

Monday, 3 April 2017

Waiting For God


Waiting for God!!

With deep, rutted creases
Along with the passages of time
Those eyes must have seen impressive sights
& those hands must have touched her lover's visage
Her lips must have kissed with a hunger
from within;   The sighs...
& being kissed in return with love;
Having that human touch, touched her heart
And her hair once beautiful lustrous
Sweeping fingers through to touch
Now a mere negative reflection of long & white
Instead of a glorious black.
Sitting pensive wondering where the years have swept by
Left with memories of a time that's passed her by
She must have loved with abandon in the days of her life
From every orifice happiness pouring from
The love light in her eyes
Exuding from her the laughter scintillating from her eyes
Hysterically she must have laughed
Until it hurt, holding hilariously her sides
& she must have cried in sorrow some of the time
When life's disappointments crossed her path
& surely she must have wished to be happy
That happiness would last for a lifetime
When she cried through the darkness of her nights
When love passed her by;
In sadness tears falling from her eyes
But with memories intact, you can see in her eyes
Turning over her mind's mind...
When once upon a time, life was fun life was good
Now only memories exudes
Whilst sitting, in her own world
Waiting for God
In dignity still beautiful!!

     By Connie James

Solitary Sound...

Midnight came with the beautiful
Sound of a solitary flute
As the moon appeared on my velvety blue firmament
With a promise of cumulus white clouds
A sky bare of clouds rather boring
& I so love clouds;
The leaves dancing in the breeze
As soft as the touch of she!
Glancing all around me as if in a fairy land we'll be
Forever framed in a dream
A dream of peace understanding a dream of love
Moments like these are rare very rare indeed
Like precious elements grains of sand
A momentous explosion fusing together
Like an infusion of love
The rhythm set by nature that's all that's needed
Day & night, night & day
But we're always in a rush, no time to stand and stare
Running like demented soulless beings
Careing not to stand & stare
Please stand still for am looking at you!
No one listens no hears no one cares
Understanding not the meaning of those
Undecipherable words & so the journey goes on
For we are on a journey a journey of discovery.
As the train pulls away sounding its whistle
Warning everyone we're on our way
Familiar faces; Faces known to most
Some unfamiliar faces telling their own stories
& some in muted silence
The magical journey going through darkness & light
Through different time zones arriving to a sudden halt
To the loneliness place on earth that station was;
Am no one special, yet am someone
There must be someplace somewhere
In search for a different meaning of life of love
As the train came to s sudden halt
That's precisely how it started again
Suddenly we were moving again
Without any warning the skies opened it's flood gates
An almighty clap of thunder fork lightening
Shook the whole earth
As if it's tumbling on it's own axis
Particles fragmentation's of a primitive naked earth
Breathing fire breaking up all around.
The moon lit in her fullness the stars above...
Was mesmerised a weird light upon our skies.
Questioning! Questions unanswered...  
There will always be an answer
A meaning to unanswered questions;
Being written some place some where
A new soul being born
Who are you!
They asked no answer from anywhere,
As the years passed on the last day of the last sun
Still asking the question, the same question
Who are you?
There was no answer, they'll never!!

               By Connie James